Drivers Synology USB Devices

The Synology Diskstations do not support USB to serial converters (i.e. FTDI) out of the box. How ever, since Synology is so nice and publishes the kernel sources (its under GPL, so they actually have to), its not very hard to build and add the needed kernel modules.

You can use the -device flag that use can use to access USB devices without -privileged mode: docker run -t -i -device=/dev/ttyUSB0 ubuntu bash Alternatively, assuming your USB device is available with drivers working, etc. On the host in /dev/bus/usb, you can mount this in the container using privileged mode and the volumes option. To get started first locate the data ports on your Synology NAS. The particular unit we’re using for demonstration purposes, the DS916+, has one USB 3.0 port on the front of the unit as well as 2 USB 3.0 ports and a single eSATA port located on the back of the unit, seen below.

To do so, I followed Charles-henri Hallards guide at . Since the guide is already very nice and self explaining, I only want to show you the needed differences, if you have a DS210j, like I have.

The DS210j runs on an ARMv5TE processor. This means, we have to use the sources for the CPU-Model 88f6281. The German Synology-Wiki has a very nice list in case you want to know:

You will have to download the DSM 4.0 Tool Chains for the Marvell 88F628x Linux 2.6.32 or newer, depending on your kernel version. For the Synology NAS GPL Source it will be the synogpl-2198-6281 source code of the latest branch.

Now wollow the instructions in the mentioned guide and extract the downloaded files into /usr/local/ and /usr/local/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/ .

The config file I had to copy to .conf was the 88f6281 file.

Then open the Makefile and change those two lines


After following the rest of the guide I got the needed kernel modules.

Since you might not want to do the whole way by yourself, you also can download my files from here:

Version: 2.6.32
Drivers synology usb devices windows 10Drivers synology usb devices updateDriversUsb

Drivers Synology Usb Devices Update

Author:George Ruinelli
Date:May 12, 2012

Synology Usb Copy

Installation and autostart

For the installation on your diskstation and to set up the autostart, you also can follow the guide again.Clean up

Drivers Synology Usb Devices Free

If you are short of space on your Linux machine, you can remove the folder /usr/local/arm-none-linux-gnueabi.